Monday, September 15, 2014

J is for Just Do It

            Years ago my husband and I competed in triathlons, and by competed I mean completed, as in, our goal was to finish. It was a fun season in our life. We trained with some friends and traveled to different cities to attempt to finish all three legs of the triathlon. The races were the fun part. Our adrenaline was up. There were many other excited racers there. We were prepared. We talked and planned and then rehashed the race with our friends.
            The hard part was the training. The bike training was fun, except if there was a hill involved. For the running I trained with a group of women, and being an extravert, anything done as a group event is fun for me. I remember the coach telling me once, if I had enough oxygen to talk the entire time, I was not running fast enough. ;)
            The swim training was another story. We joined a Masters Swim Team. At the time I thought ‘Masters’ meant we were mastering something. Later, I realized it meant old. The swim training was hardest because we had to wake up at 5:00 am, get dressed, drive to the pool, and jump in to what seemed like ice water at 5:30 in the morning, and then swim for an hour trying to warm up. We did this three days a week. Crazy, I know! We never got used to the cold water. It seemed especially cold, during winter when it was dark, cold and sometimes snowy outside. We never got used to just going for it, and jumping in the pool. We knew we had to do it. This was our only opportunity to practice our swimming and the only opportunity to get better, faster. We knew it was good for us. It was still hard to make ourselves do it. I will never forget my first open water swim in a lake in Dexter, New Mexico. I swam my fastest time and got out of the water exhilarated. All those days jumping in the cold pool paid off, and I was so glad I committed to those early morning practices.

            Growing in our walk with God can seem like jumping in the pool. We know what we need to do to get closer to God, we just need the courage to go for it, and do it. People desire to know God, but can’t make themselves get up and go to church each week. Some people have been believers many years and have never been baptized. They think they will be embarrassed to get wet in front of people. Some people have attended the same church for years, but don’t know anybody because they have never joined a small group or gotten involved. Some people know they need to forgive. Some  need to make a decision to follow God wholeheartedly. Others need to commit to spending daily time communicating with God and reading His Word.
            Sometimes growing closer to God is a matter of following the Nike slogan, to Just Do It. We know it will be good for us. We know it will bring about a closer walk with God, to do the things He lays out for us to do in His Word. Having a closer walk with God is always worth it.
What do you know you need to do to grow closer to God? Just Do It.


  1. Well said! Again! Love your posts sweet friend. Thank you for challenging and inspiring us!

  2. Thanks Michele! I loved your 'U' post. I'm going to need some help with those last few letters too!
