My friend told me this story when she was a young mom and
had a toddler at home:

We were trying to leave the house and were running late. My little girl would not pick up her toys. She was going very slowly and I was getting more and more frustrated with her. She would not do what I said. I started yelling at her to hurry up and pick up all the scattered toys. In anger, I began picking up all the toy pieces and throwing them into a box.
Then, as clearly as if
my husband was speaking to me, I heard a voice in my spirit say:
I don’t parent you that way.
Immediately, I knew it
was the Holy Spirit convicting me of my attitude and my actions. I stopped what
I was doing and acknowledged He was right. I apologized and asked for
I never forgot those words
from God. They came back to me again and again as I raised my kids. I wish I
could say I got it right after that, but I haven’t. God has continued to
correct me and grow me in my parenting and my relationship with Him. I am
grateful for His correction in my life.
said when the Holy Spirit came He would convict
the world of sin (John 16:8). Romans 8:1 says, “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
way to tell whether a thought, voice or impression is from the Lord is it will point out sin, but not leave you
feeling condemned, like in my friend’s story. She felt convicted of her
sin, and immediately confessed and asked for forgiveness. She knew God loved
her enough to point out where she was messing up and help her be the parent He
wanted her to be. (By the way, she is a great parent today, an example to me and
When we feel condemned, like we are
a terrible person and will never accomplish anything, the Bible says that
thought is from Satan. Revelation 12:10 says Satan is the one who accuses
believers. Guilt and shame are a dark cloud and will draw you farther away
from the Lord and deeper into sin.
Conviction is the Holy Spirit
nudging us to confess and turn from the sin and He provides the power to do
so. Conviction is God shining a light on our sin, encouraging us to
confess, ask for forgiveness and move closer to God.
the next time you have a thought, ask yourself if you feel condemned or if you
feel true conviction from the Lord to stop doing something. Then, determine to
Do you have a time when you felt conviction or condemnation?
We would love for you to share it in the comments below.
(If you would like to read the previous posts on this topic, click here,)
I have been convicted of the same thing as your friend on many occasions. I also have been convicted of being judgemental at times too. Condemnation has often come too. Some good reminders of what to listen for.
ReplyDeleteMe too. Thanks for stopping by Jo!
DeleteBeautiful post and so true. The enemy comes to me by condemning me and telling me I am a failure and not good enough. God's word assures me that isn't so.
ReplyDeleteThat happens to me also Tammy. I was glad to know there is a difference between conviction and condemnation and to reject the condemnation from the enemy.
DeleteThere is a Christina Rossetti quote that goes along with this - I can't find the exact quote right now, but it's something to the effect that a fall is an occasion not to wallow, but to rise. Sometimes we waste a lot of time and energy beating ourselves up instead of going straight to God to confess what He is convicting us of.
ReplyDeleteI have experienced that, too, of almost feeling a tap on my shoulder when speaking to my children and the inaudible question, "Are you listening to what you are saying?"
Oh yes, I have also with my kids Barbara, and I have had to apologize to my kids too many times to count. I'm glad God's forgiveness is so great.
DeleteA great lesson today Robyn! I love the thought of "I don't parent you that way"- a good reminder throughout my day! Not only of the love I need to show, but of the love God shows me!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I thought too Michele. He is so loving and merciful with us. I need to be like that with my kids.
DeleteI have confused the two far too often but, as I get older and more well-versed in the Word, and have learned to listen specifically for the Lord's voice, I'm getting better at it. I've gotta say the "I don't parent you that way" really got to me. Thanks for visiting my blog; it led me to you and I'm glad!
ReplyDeleteThose words were enough, weren't they? Very powerful. Love your blog Shelby!
DeleteWhat a great reminder. I love the graphic about God's voice vs. Satan's voice. So true!
ReplyDeleteI like that graphic too, very clear and to the point and helpful. Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteI love your distinction between conviction and condemnation!
ReplyDeleteThanks Melissa!
DeleteConviction. Writing my 31 days. ;)
ReplyDeleteRobyn, this resonates so strongly with me! I have heard God speak those same words to me ... "I don't parent you that way." It is a gentle rebuff--but one I need. Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow! Isn't that interesting that 3 people have heard those same words? Thanks for sharing!