Don’t get me wrong, I like text –never while
driving, of course –but texting has its place. Texting is great for sending and
receiving information.
“Can you
pick up some milk?”
let the dogs out when you get home from school.”
meet at Panera at 11:30.”
I don’t know about you, but I have also received
some long, loooooong detailed paragraphs of text telling me a personal or
important story. Most of these would have been better as an actual
conversation, on the phone or in person. I never know how to respond. I would
like to call the person and talk to them, especially if they are describing a
problem or want advice. But, because they text(ed) me first, I feel obligated
to text back, thinking this is their preferred mode of dialogue.
On the phone, talking conversations or in-person
conversations are much better for building friendships, showing care and
genuine interest, sharing dreams, difficulties and life with people. IMHO (in
my humble opinion) texts should be relegated to ‘information’ and actual
talking should be for ‘conversation.’
In our text dominated world, is that what we do with prayer as well? Do we pray and expect God to send short,
concise, immediate answers to our requests?
“God, should
I take job A or job B?”
person hurt me, should I hold a grudge or forgive?”
“Lord, he’s
cute, should I go out with him, even though he is not a believer?”

If we want
to hear God, we need to pursue a personal relationship with Him, not just text
Him questions about our immediate needs. God loves us and made us for relationships,
both with Him and with others.
I know texting is here to stay, and I like the
convenience as much as everyone else. When it comes to prayer, however, the God of the universe, the one who loves us more than anyone, wants to have a real, personal, communicative relationship with us. If we want to hear God we need to invest the time and effort it takes to have real conversations. When we do, it is always worth it.
John 15:15 “I
have called you friends . . .”
James 4:8 “Draw
near to God and He will draw near to you.”
John 13:35 “Love
one another even as I have loved you.”
Isaiah 41:10 “Don’t panic. I am with you. There’s no need to fear for I am your God.
I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I will hold you steady, keeping a firm
grip on you.”
How about
you? Do you ever feel like you are texting God for answers instead of pursuing
a personal relationship with Him?
This is day 27 in the series about Hearing God. To read the
other posts in this series, click the links below.
Day 1: Take Off Your Sandals
Day 2: God in the Grocery Store
Day 3: God in the Grocery Store - Part2
Day 4: Peeking During Prayer
Day 5: How Do We Know God's Voice?
Day 6: A Young Mom, Toddler Toys and Hearing God
Day 7: Hearing God When Making Decisions
Day 8: Lining Up Those Ducks
Day 9: Hearing God for Our Kids
Day 10: God or Genie in a Bottle?
Day 11: The Perfect Day to Hear God
Day 12: Hearing God in a Crisis
Day 13: 7 Ways to Test an Impression
Day 14: Remote Assignment
Day 15: God's Silence
Day 16: Hearing God While Dating
Day 17: Hearing God Bible Verses
Day 18: What Others Say About Hearing God
Day 19: Hearing God Through Distractions
Day 20: Hearing God as a Child
Day 21: Hearing God in Confusion
Day 22: Hearing God's Encouraging Voice
Day 23: Hearing God on a Tractor
Day 24: An Email Confirmation
Day 25: Do You Really Want to Hear From God?
Day 26: Why Hear God?
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30: Desperate to Hear God
Day 31: Desperate to Hear God (Part 2)
Day 2: God in the Grocery Store
Day 3: God in the Grocery Store - Part2
Day 4: Peeking During Prayer
Day 5: How Do We Know God's Voice?
Day 6: A Young Mom, Toddler Toys and Hearing God
Day 7: Hearing God When Making Decisions
Day 8: Lining Up Those Ducks
Day 9: Hearing God for Our Kids
Day 10: God or Genie in a Bottle?
Day 11: The Perfect Day to Hear God
Day 12: Hearing God in a Crisis
Day 13: 7 Ways to Test an Impression
Day 14: Remote Assignment
Day 15: God's Silence
Day 16: Hearing God While Dating
Day 17: Hearing God Bible Verses
Day 18: What Others Say About Hearing God
Day 19: Hearing God Through Distractions
Day 20: Hearing God as a Child
Day 21: Hearing God in Confusion
Day 22: Hearing God's Encouraging Voice
Day 23: Hearing God on a Tractor
Day 24: An Email Confirmation
Day 25: Do You Really Want to Hear From God?
Day 26: Why Hear God?
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30: Desperate to Hear God
Day 31: Desperate to Hear God (Part 2)
"Texting" certainly is the easy way. But not the best way. (which I admit, I've done when I was chicken to do it the right way!) But for relationship building? Nope. Great encouragement here, Robyn!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dianne!
DeleteAh yes... I love how you related texting people to texting God! I have to say that I am so not a phone person! I would much prefer face to face over coffee, or texting... I don't know why but talking on the phone has never appealed to me. But you are right - some conversations need to have voice and tone... As far as the text reply to a serious situation, I usually ask if it is ok if I call them to respond. That way they know I have read the text, but also know I would rather have a voice to voice (if not face to face) connection! great post!
ReplyDeleteThanks Karrilee! Yes, text really can miss the tone, inflection and true meaning. It is especially hard to joke or tell if someone is being sarcastic or serious.
DeleteI love this. My daughter and I text a lot but we converse a lot also! My granddaughter and I text - when she calls me I know she needs help with something. My sons text me - in fact, one texted me "Happy Birthday, love you" two weeks ago. I told him he absolutely HAD TO CALL ME to say HB. I like texting, as you do, but there are messages that must be spoken...too often we miss or misinterpret the "tone" in the words and that can really mess with your mind and heart. Good post, Robyn. Very timely.
ReplyDeleteThanks Susan! Yes, Happy Birthday definitely needs to be said in a real conversation.