The next day his lawyer told Jeff* he should go to Al-Anon, a
program for family members of alcoholics. At first he resisted and was too
proud. He thought, “I’m not the one who
needs counseling. She is the alcoholic, not me.” But he knew he had to do something.
The first
night he drove to the meeting place and sat outside in his car. He didn’t want
to go in. Part of him thought, “You don’t need this. You have your daughter
now. You are in control.” After he watched some other young people walk
in, he felt compelled to go in and check it out. He didn’t say anything that
first meeting, just sat and listened. He was relieved to hear there were people
in worse situations than his. He learned you can’t control or force an
alcoholic to change. That was out of his control. He could stop enabling
her though. They asked him to choose a Higher Power, so he chose the Lord.
He started
praying to God to help him. He was finally able to sleep at night.
One day a guy
called Jeff and said Anita was passed out in his car and he wanted Jeff to come
get her. Jeff didn’t want anything to do with her and told the guy to call 911.
A little while later the guy called back and said he didn’t want to get in
trouble by having a drunk woman in his car. Jeff drove to where she was. She
woke up and started yelling at Jeff in the parking lot. A nearby restaurant
called the police. Since Anita was on
probation, they arrested her.
While Anita
was in jail, she wrote Jeff a long letter apologizing for everything. She
understood she had a problem with alcohol and was finally willing to go to
rehab. In rehab, she met some women from a church who talked to her about God.
It was like she woke up and became a completely different person. She started
believing in God while she was in rehab.
Jeff realized
he still loved her and wanted to pursue the relationship. In Al-Anon he learned
if he was going to have a relationship with a recovering alcoholic, he had to
let go of his anger at things that happened in the past. The two of them went
to couple’s counseling. When she found out she was pregnant again, Anita said, “Maybe we should go to church.” Jeff,
remembering John 3:16, and acknowledging that he believed in God, said, “No, I’m good.”
Jeff’s sister
invited them to church. He didn’t want to go, but remembered attending church
with his grandmother when he was young, so he let their daughter go. She came
home singing songs she learned and talking about the Bible stories she heard.
She loved going to church. After a few weeks, Anita started attending as well.
He saw a change in her. She had more peace and patience. They didn’t fight and
argue like before.
After seeing
Anita change, Jeff decided to go to church on Easter. He felt like the Pastor
was talking directly to him. He learned God is love, and loved him. Up until
that time he only knew the fear of God. He didn’t know God wanted a personal
relationship with him. Jeff understood he needed to ask God to
forgive him, and he also knew he couldn’t keep living his life the way he was. He started reading his Bible and learned more about this great God.
*Names changed.
Has God changed your life, or someone you know, so dramatically that
others want what you have? Isn’t God amazing to make us new when we choose to
follow Him?
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the
new has come!"2 Corinthians 5:17
This is part of a series called 31 Days of Change. To read others in this series, click the links below.
Click here to read about Our Adoption Adventure.
Click here to read about Hearing God.
Day 1: He Did What?!
Day 2: Called Out in Class
Day 3: Stuck in the Desert
Day 4: Nicest Guy in Hell
Day 6: Mommy, You Need God - Part 1
Day 7: Mommy, You Need God - Part 2
Day 8: Meeting My Messiah
Day 9: Depression to Joy
Day 10: Seasons of Change
Day 11: In the Enemy's Ring
Day 12: Holding His Hand
Day 13: Changed
Day 14: 12 Thoughts on Change
Day 15: A Prodigal Daughter’s Journey
Day 16: What if God Never Calls?
Day 17: Never the Same
Day 18: The C Word
Day 19: Punk to Pastor
Day 20: Lessons After Class
Day 21: Is There Life After Prison?
Day 22: I Can Handle it On My Own
Day 23:
Day 24: All Fired Up
Day 25: All Fired Up - Part2
Day 26: All Fired Up - Part 3
Day 29:
Day 30:
Day 31:
Proud of you. Keep on going! You can get this series done. It's a wonderful testimony to the power of God in the lives of those who trust God in their lives. Blessings
ReplyDeleteThanks Karen!