you ever heard the phrase, “You are what you eat?” In Tommy Newberry’s book, The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-filled
Life, he believes, “You are what you think.” His book is based on Philippians
is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy -- think about such things.”
is a mixture of good and bad and we will always have things to complain about
and things that bring us joy. He said productive thinking and destructive
thinking are both merely habits. We can train ourselves to think about things
that produce joy instead of rob us of joy.
is a sample list of what he calls Junk-Producing Thoughts:
1. I’m never going to be
happy again.
2. That is just the way it
3. This probably won’t work.
4. I don’t have what it
5. That always happens to me.
6. The honeymoon is
officially over.
7. I hate myself.
8. I am not worthy.
9. I am just not creative.
10. I can’t.
11. It that happens, I am
going to be so mad.
12. It’s never going to work
13. That is just my luck.
14. That’s just who I am.
15. It’s hopeless.
thinking corrupts your brain and triggers harmful mental states such as
anxiety, moodiness, depression and irritability,” writes Newberry. If a thought brings about worry or fear, it is
not from God. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love
and a sound mind.
better list is this one that causes Joy-Producing Thoughts:
I expect the
best, and it shows!
I trust God; my
faith is strong.
I now accept the
best that life has to offer.
I am a new
creature in Christ.
My metabolism
works effectively.
I stay lean even as I age. (Let’s all say this one together!!)
I have boundless energy.
I am healthy and
Everything I
need, I already have.
God has great plans for me!
I learn scripture easily.
I am supercharged with joy.
am learning a lot through this experience.
lifestyle supports unshakable faith.
surrender myself and my future to God and I trust Him.
are bombarded daily with negative information. If we dwell on these thoughts,
respond to them, debate them and complain about them we can end up spending
most of our time on Junk-Producing Thoughts. Whatever you give your attention
to expands in your mind. It’s just like if you buy a new blue car, all of a
sudden it seems like every other car on the road is blue. The cars didn’t
change, but our thoughts and where we put our attention did.
of the ways the author encourages us to think positive, Joy-Producing Thoughts
is to ask ourselves 4:8 questions. These are questions to which the answers
will point us toward thinking Philippians 4:8 thoughts. When you are in a
negativity rut, ask yourself these questions:
are five things I am thankful for right now?
are five of my strengths or positive traits?
are five of my best achievements so far?
are the five people who love me most?
five things am I looking forward to in the next seven days?
You are what you think! Let’s think thoughts that will
promote joy!
**(This is part of a 31 day series on finding Joy in the Journey. If you want to read more related posts click here. )**

Another great post! I haven't heard of this book, but have learned that our patterned thinking can be a bad habit. It's a topic I'll touch on in my series too. Happy Writing!
ReplyDeleteGreat! I look forward to reading it Julie!